About Us

Tweaking the nipple of convention

We a tech nerds who think differently! With well over 30 years in software, from the early days when most people didn't even know what computers could be used for, through to the cloud. We've been there, done that (and yes, we've got the t-shirts!)

While we are happy to go outside the comfort zone of traditional (dare we say "pallets loads of widgets"?) applications, we tend to take on the more obscure. When you have a project that doesn't fit the usual pigeon-holes, that is likely to be where we come in.

Some examples of this are:

  • An automated catalyst testing laboratory for BP / Dutch State Mining, where chemists could set up a series of experiments online, and they would be run in a robotic laboratory, and the results emailed back to them
  • Developing an airborne system for fisheries surveillance to view vessels on radar, automatically determine if they were in a 'fishing pattern', take a best guess at which vessel it is, and check the licensing supports that type of fishing in that area - and if not queue it up as a target for an overflight
  • Refitting an anaerobic digester plant with new control systems to automate and monitor mixing / heating / pumping for the generation of electricity from farm waste